The following table denotes the acceptable strings for name, as well as the parameters for that distribution:
name | Distribution | Input Parameters |
'beta' or 'Beta' | Beta Distribution | a b
'bino' or 'Binomial' | Binomial Distribution | n: number of trials p: probability of success for each trial
'birnbaumsaunders' | Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution | β γ
'burr' or 'Burr' | Burr Type XII Distribution | α: scale parameter c: shape parameter k: shape parameter
'chi2' or 'Chisquare' | Chi-Square Distribution | ν: degrees of freedom
'exp' or 'Exponential' | Exponential Distribution | μ: mean
'ev' or 'Extreme Value' | Extreme Value Distribution | μ: location parameter σ: scale parameter
'f' or 'F' | F Distribution | ν1: numerator degrees of freedom ν2: denominator degrees of freedom
'gam' or 'Gamma' | Gamma Distribution | a: shape parameter b: scale parameter
'gev' or 'Generalized Extreme Value' | Generalized Extreme Value Distribution | k: shape parameter σ: scale parameter μ: location parameter
'gp' or 'Generalized Pareto' | Generalized Pareto Distribution | k: tail index (shape) parameter σ: scale parameter μ: threshold (location) parameter
'geo' or 'Geometric' | Geometric Distribution | p: probability parameter
'hyge' or 'Hypergeometric' | Hypergeometric Distribution | M: size of the population K: number of items with the desired characteristic in the population n: number of samples drawn
'inversegaussian' | Inverse Gaussian Distribution | μ λ
'logistic' | Logistic Distribution | μ σ
'loglogistic' | Loglogistic Distribution | μ σ
'logn' or 'Lognormal' | Lognormal Distribution | μ σ
'nakagami' | Nakagami Distribution | μ ω
'nbin' or 'Negative Binomial' | Negative Binomial Distribution | r: number of successes p: probability of success in a single trial
'ncf' or 'Noncentral F' | Noncentral F Distribution | ν1: numerator degrees of freedom ν2: denominator degrees of freedom δ: noncentrality parameter
'nct' or 'Noncentral t' | Noncentral t Distribution | ν: degrees of freedom δ: noncentrality parameter
'ncx2' or 'Noncentral Chi-square' | Noncentral Chi-Square Distribution | ν: degrees of freedom δ: noncentrality parameter
'norm' or 'Normal' | Normal Distribution | μ: mean σ: standard deviation
'poiss' or 'Poisson' | Poisson Distribution | λ: mean
'rayl' or 'Rayleigh' | Rayleigh Distribution | σ: scale parameter
'rician' | Rician Distribution | s: noncentrality parameter σ: scale parameter
't' or 'T' | Student's t Distribution | ν: degrees of freedom
'tlocationscale' | t Location-Scale Distribution | μ: location parameter σ: scale parameter ν: shape parameter
'unif' or 'Uniform' | Uniform Distribution (Continuous) | a: lower endpoint (minimum) b: upper endpoint (maximum)
'unid' or 'Discrete Uniform' | Uniform Distribution (Discrete) | N: maximum observable value
'wbl' or 'Weibull' | Weibull Distribution | λ: scale parameter k: shape parameter