Levent Ozturk
DSP: FIR Integrator: Interpolating rectangular and trapezoidal(integrator) rules Integrator produces steady changing output for constant input Differentiator: Inverse of transfer function of integrator. Differentiator constant output for steady changing input Vout=-RCdVin/dt Vout = Integral(0,t) -Vin dt/RC +C, C=Vt=0 Complex Multiplier: (a+ib)(c+id)= (ac-bd)+I(ad+bc) = (ac-bd)+i((a+b+(c+d) - ac-bd) (3 multiplication form) Use MSB and pad LSB to save power in DSP 1/4 SinCos table is required for PSK signlas. Use bits as sign bits. O.R.O.S.P.U: Orthogonal Root Optical, Optimised, Offset Serial,Super,Syncronus Processor Unit Phase Overflow >360 Mırror at fs/2, alias at fs dB: Logarithmic scale 20log(), 10log()
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