Levent Ozturk
Convert Hex-Dec-Oct-Bin Dec to Hex Use function sprintf("%x", DECNUMBER) or sprintf("%X", DECNUMBER) for hexadecimal numbers with capital letters. $decvalue = 200; $hexvalue = sprintf("%x", $decvalue); ## gives c8 $hexvalue = sprintf("%X", $decvalue); ## gives C8 Dec to Oct Use sprintf("%o", DECNUMBER ) $decvalue = 200; $octval = sprintf( "%o", $decvalue ); The program generates 317 If you want a leading zero for the octal number use **sprintf("%#o", DECNUMBER); $decvalue = 200; $octval = sprintf( "%#o", $decvalue ); The program now generates 0317 Dec to Bin Use sprintf( "%b", DECNUMBER) $decvalue = 200; $binvalue = sprintf( "%b", $decvalue ); Hex to Dec Use function hex( HEXNUMBER ) All variants below gives the same result. All formats of hexadecimal numbers are accepted. $hexvalue = 'FC'; $decvalue = hex($hexvalue); $hexvalue = 'fc'; $decvalue = hex($hexvalue); $hexvalue = '0xfc'; $decvalue = hex($hexvalue); Hex to Oct Use a combination of functions sprintf("%o", hex( HEXNUMBER )) or sprintf("%#o", hex( HEXNUMBER )) for a leading zero. $hexvalue = "fcff"; $octvalue = sprintf( "%o", hex( $hexvalue ) ); Hex to Bin Use a combination of functions sprintf("%b", hex( HEXNUMBER )) $hexvalue = "fcff"; $binvalue = sprintf( "%b", hex( $hexvalue ) ); Oct to Hex Use a combination of functions sprintf("%x", oct( OCTNUMBER )) or sprintf("%X", oct( OCTNUMBER )) The difference is if you want hex numbers "a-f" or "A-F". $octvalue = "0176377"; $hexvalue = sprintf( "%x", oct( $octvalue ) ); Oct to Dec Use function oct( OCTNUMBER ) $octvalue = "0176377"; $decvalue = oct( $octvalue ); Oct to Bin Use a combination of functions sprintf("%b", oct( OCTNUMBER )) $octvalue = "0176377"; $binvalue = sprintf( "%b", oct( $octvalue ) ); Bin to Hex Use a combination of functions remember to put in 0b before the binary number. sprintf("%x", oct( "0bOCTNUMBER" )) or sprintf("%X", oct( "0bOCTNUMBER" )) $binvalue = "11001111"; $hexvalue = sprintf("%x", oct( "0b$binvalue" ) ); $hexvalue = sprintf("%X", oct( "0b$binvalue" ) ); Bin to Dec Use function oct and insert 0b before the binary number. $binvalue = "11001111"; $decvalue = oct( "0b$binvalue" ); Bin to Oct Use a combination of sprintf and oct Remember that the function oct converts from bin to dec in this case. $binvalue = "11001111"; $octvalue = sprintf("%o", oct( "0b$binvalue" ) ); $octvalue = sprintf("%#o", oct( "0b$binvalue" ) ); ##Generates octal number with leading zero
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