Levent Ozturk

FPGA Student Project help

You have a Final Project and you are nowhere near completing it. Time is running out and the Final Project is the last obstacle between you and a successful career. But you are overwhelmned with all other duties and classes. You need help. Now.
Well we have been there. 20 years ago. We know what it means. The good news is that now you have a helping hand.

Electrical, Electronics, Telecommunication, Software Engineering Students and possible other engineering fileds Student Project, we help Student Project and Final Projects including:
  • Hardware Design: PCB design.
  • Firmware Design: Microcontrollers and FPGAs.
  • Software Design: C++, Java, PHP, ...
  • Database Design: Oracle, MySQL, ...
  • Algorithmic Design: Matlab,
  • Internet Design: Web sites, GUI, Apps, ...
Our help includes:
  • Architect and design the project that easily and consistently meets requirements.
  • Implement maintainable, efficient and well documented code
  • Compact, clear, consistent, complete documentation
  • Test, Verify, Validate
  • Deliver high quality product on time with no surprises
If you are starting a critical FPGA project or just realized you are in trouble meeting timing, routing from pins, or fitting the functionality, fill out the form below,
purchase hourly online live consulting
or simply contact us for the much needed experienced help for your final assignment.

FPGA Student Project Expert FPGA Help Request
Everything in life is optional. But some are required to progress.
  • Contact Information
Contact Person
Contact Email
  • Which stage of the FPGA project are you at?
Requirements High Level Design Low Level Design RTL Coding Verification Debugging
  • About the problem
Full design
Clock/reset distribution
Lab Debugging
RTL Optimisation
Floor planning
Device selection
Timing closure
Current fmax (MHz)
Target Frequency (MHz)
Utilisation percentage
(Slice-Lab/ Mem/ DSP/
Clock Domain)
Vector Signal Analyzer
  • What is the time frame for fixing the problem?
Start Time Yesterday Now Less Than 1 Month
Duration 1 Week 1 Month 6 months
  • About the device
Device Vendor ?fpga device vendorXilinx, Altera, Lattice, Actel Microsemi, QuickLogic, SiliconBlue Technologies, Achronix, Tabula
Device ID
Device Speed Grade
  • What are the architecture details?
Single/Multiple FPGA, interchip/interboard communication, clock frequencies, flow control/handshaking, protocols/standards
  • Please prove you are not a robot

What is 5 + 15 ?

  • Communication Officialisation

Your NDA File Please upload your NDA before we can start the process
RTL Files Please upload RTL
Project Files Please upload synthesis and project
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