Levent Ozturk

FPGA Projects help

In FPGA design, specialization and experience matters most. Projects fail to:
If you are starting a critical FPGA project or , just realized you are in trouble, you need a projects. Brain surgeries are done by brain surgeons, high quality sophisticated FPGA projects are done by FPGA Projects.

Our engineering outsourcing experience spans a wide range of industries, including Telecommunications, Data Communication, Aerospace, Automotive, Electronics, Instruments, Machinery, Medical Devices, Pharmaceuticals, Transportation, and more

Whether you have a brand new project that needs to be finished without surprises, stuck in an impossible project, need help to complete a project, in a stage that only a Project can recover, or just need to overcome a problem, the following initiation form is your way out. Once the information is received and analyzed, you will be contacted shortly for the initiation of help process with preliminary analysis report.

FPGA Motion Tracking

Upper body Motion Tracking Hand tracking, gadget factory, dangerous prototypes, cooking hacks, microsiervos, Augmented Reality Video Game Enhancer Hardware-Based FPGA AI Beat-Programmagle Gate Array Realtime image effects (video) Prime Number Generator and RSA Encrypter/Decrypter Game of Life Music Synthesizer embedded, Adaptive Noise Cancellation Additively Synthesized Ocarina Ethernet Communication Interface Visual midi Composer

FPGA PID temperature

Stereographic Depth Mapping Fractal Landscape 3D pong with video overlay Music Visualization PID temperature controller WAV player Word recognition Realtime face tracking Green screen chroma key Sound localizing robot 2D graphics engine 3D render engine Software radio JPEG compression engine Video communications system

FPGA Processing Unit

Speaker Recognition Triangle Graphics Processing Unit Brute Force Search of a DES Keyspace Implementing a SoC Design on an FPGA stocastic L-system All Digital, FPGA Based, Lock-in Amplifier Simulation of Ideal Gas Particles Video guided, ball-following robot System-on-Chip Toolkit FPGA BBQ Stick video game Real time Edge extraction Real time Spectrograph Real time, Single Image, Random Dot Stereogram Real time audio pitch shifter Parallelized Knuth-Morris-Pratt Search Algorithm UDP Network Hardware 3D WireMesh Generator Light Source Motion Tracking Laser tracker FPGA DSO Programmable Discrete Graphics Hardware SimpleGPU 3D wiremesh Head related transfer function FPGA ray tracer Pipelined ray tracer Image motion tracker

FPGA engineering decisions

Projects were built using the Altera/Terasic DE2, CycloneII FPGA board. Combining business requirements, enterprise IT standards and policies, and best practices to deliver the most favorable technical solution to a customer´s problem. 10+ years experience with high performance computing technologies:
Contract Expert FPGA Help Request
Everything in life is optional. But some are required to progress.
  • Contact Information
Contact Person
Contact Email
  • Which stage of the FPGA project are you at?
Requirements High Level Design Low Level Design RTL Coding Verification Debugging
  • About the problem
Full design
Clock/reset distribution
Lab Debugging
RTL Optimisation
Floor planning
Device selection
Timing closure
Current fmax (MHz)
Target Frequency (MHz)
Utilisation percentage
(Slice-Lab/ Mem/ DSP/
Clock Domain)
Vector Signal Analyzer
  • What is the time frame for fixing the problem?
Start Time Yesterday Now Less Than 1 Month
Duration 1 Week 1 Month 6 months
  • About the device
Device Vendor ?fpga device vendorXilinx, Altera, Lattice, Actel Microsemi, QuickLogic, SiliconBlue Technologies, Achronix, Tabula
Device ID
Device Speed Grade
  • What are the architecture details?
Single/Multiple FPGA, interchip/interboard communication, clock frequencies, flow control/handshaking, protocols/standards
  • Please prove you are not a robot

What is 9 + 7 ?

  • Communication Officialisation

Your NDA File Please upload your NDA before we can start the process
RTL Files Please upload RTL
Project Files Please upload synthesis and project
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